Abbildung kann vom Lieferumfang des Produktes abweichen
Artikelnummer: 600270  
Herstellerartikelnr: 2210-2002  
Produktgruppe: VIDEO / HARDWARE / KEYER /
Datenblatt: -  
Preis: 1.144,00 € inkl. MwSt.  

Using a highly-efficient retro-reflective screen and directional LED ring allows you to make beautiful chromakeys with little attention to background lighting.
The light ring features both green and blue LEDs, switchable with the turn of the knob on the included controller, so you can key green or blue objects without having to switch backdrops. Particularly useful for entertainment applications where the operator has little control over the clothes that the audience wears.

The CKL-200 Kit includes:
Dual green/blue LED light ring with control unit for switching colors and controlling LED brightness
Two RF-1225FP fire-retardant retro-reflective screens : 1.25m x 2.5m each
82mm and 58mm adapter rings
Power supply

Included Accessories
Cables & Adapters:
- Two GPI cables
- One mini-XLR cable
- LD-1 LED controller
- One 72mm adapter ring
Power Supply:
- 12V switching adapte

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