HD/SD 8 Channel AES Embedder/Disembedder | ||
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Artikelnummer: | 20 | |
Herstellerartikelnr: | HD10AM | |
Produktgruppe: | embedder/AES in SDI | |
Datenblatt: | Datenblatt | |
Preis: | 1.031,00 € inkl. MwSt. | |
Produktbeschreibung: (Auslieferung erfolgt ohne Netzteil - Dieses muß separat bestellt werden: 161583 / DWP-U) HD/SD 8 Channel AES Embedder/Disembedder Features • Dual rate HD-SDI/SDI Embedder/Disembedder • 8 Channel AES I/O • Supplied breakout cable for balanced AES - XLR connectors • HD-SDI/SDI input, 2 HD-SDI/SDI outputs • Dipswitch configuration • 5-18VDC Power The HD10AM is a dual rate 8 channel AES audio Embedder/Disembedder. The Disembedder is always functional providing 4 AES outputs. The Embedder is user selectable, on a channel pair basis, to either "pass" SDI input audio or embed input AES audio from the breakout cable. AES inputs are sample rate converted to a 48KHz rate synchronous to the video input. The HD10AM automatically detects and configures to the input video standard. Specifications • Formats: HD SMPTE 292/296M, SD SMPTE 259M (Automatic Configuration) • Video Input: HD-SDI or SDI BNC • Video Outputs: follows input, 2 x BNC • Audio Inputs: 4 x AES 110 ohm XLR • Audio Outputs: 4 x AES 110 ohm XLR • AES audio: SMPTE 272M/299M, 24 bit, 48KHz synchronous • User Controls: - (External Dipswitch) - Embedder on/off, Ch pairs 1/2 - 7/8 - Input group select, 1/2, 3/4 - Output Group Select, 1/2, 3/4 - SRC Bypass • Size: 5.8" x 3.1" x 1" (147 x 79 x 25 mm) • Power: +5-18VDC, 5 watts, Requires Power Supply |